Paul Cullen, Gravity
In 1998, in the small gallery at Lopdell House, I curated an installation project by the late Paul Cullen (1949 - 2017).
The Lure of Language (1998)
While Director of Lopdell House Gallery, I curated The Lure of Language, an exhibition that critically interrogated the role of language in the visual arts. It included works by Billy Apple, John Baldessari, Bruce Barber, Wystan Curnow, and Lawrence Weiner, among others.
The Lure of Language (1998)
Performance View, El Dorado (Tales of Gold), Billy Apple and Wystan Curnow, from the exhibition, The Lure of Language, Lopdell House Gallery
Brad Buckley — The Slaughterhouse Project: The Light on the Hill
Installation view of one component of Brad Buckley’s multi-part installation project “The Slaughterhouse Project: The Light on the Hill”, at the UAB Visual Arts Gallery, 2002.
Brad Buckley, The Slaughterhouse Project (installation view)
Brad Buckley, The Slaughterhouse Project (installation view)
Justine Cooper, Rapt 1
Australian-born, New York-based installation and time-based media artist Justine Cooper installed Rapt 1 and Rapt 2, a multi-part installation and video project that spanned both spaces at the UAB Visual Arts Gallery.
Tokyo Boogie (in process)
In-process image of Carlos Rolon/Dzine’s work Tokyo Boogie, installed as part of my curated project on Contemporary Latin American Art at the UAB Visual Arts Gallery, 2003.
Carlos Rolon/Dzine, Tokyo Boogie (2003)
In-process shot of the final version of Tokyo Boogie, installed on-site at the UAB Visual Arts Gallery, 2003. Project curated by Brett M. Levine
Ross T Smith, Stations of the Cross
I worked with New Zealand artist and photographer Ross T Smith to curate an exhibition of three series drawn from his larger body of work. For his exhibition at the UAB Visual Arts Gallery, Smith presented his Hemi Tuwharerangi Paraha, Stations of the Cross, and Pinholes series.
Push: Design for People (2010)
In 2010, I worked with Push Product Design to curate an exhibition examining their contributions to innovations in contemporary design.
Push: Design for People (installation view) (2010)
Installation view with Patient Transport Chair that had received its patents the day of the exhibition opening, making it available for public viewing and display.
Push: Design for People (installation view) (2010)
Push: Design for People (installation view)
This exhibition of the work of PUSH Product designs included the first public exhibition their patient transport chair which had received its patent earlier the day of the opening.
Melissa Dadourian, Alison in the Water (installation view) (2007)
My exhibition, Double X: Women Representing Women, critically interrogated the ways women were representing themselves and each other in contemporary art. Melissa Dadourian created this 15-by-ten-foot, site-specific string drawing critiquing the culture of pin-up photography and the male gaze.
Blank/Decks (2009) (installation view)
For a gallery fundraiser, I invited artists and designers to create new works using either blank skateboard decks or a blank vinyl Munny toy.
Each work was then offered via silent auction, with each piece starting at the same price. Twenty skateboards and twenty vinyl toys were created to support the fundraiser.
Jurgen Tarrasch: Artifacts (installation view) (2010)
In 2010, I curated a large-scale, site-specific solo installation project by Jurgen Tarrasch. Installed over the course of a month, Tarrasch interrogated the natural environment through an extension of our understandings of the normal constraints of painting.
Jurgen Tarrasch: Artifacts (installation view) (2010)
Jurgen Tarrasch: Artifacts (installation view)